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My Ayurvedic Detox Day 5

Day 5

October 17, 2020

Friday, 16 October 2020

Weight: 55.8

A late start for me this morning. Managed to get myself out of bed by 7:30am this morning, feeling very tired. Fatigue like that reminds me of the severity of fibromyalgia flare ups that I used to get. It would normally start with migraines and fatigue and then move on to body aches and pains. It would turn into a severe inflammation of the whole system and by the time I knew it I would be almost bed ridden, unable to do much for myself, go out or socialise. So now, I see any tiredness or fatigue like that is an invitation to slow down.

My asana practice this morning is a gentle slow yin but I continue with my usual morning kriya and pranayama practices. I make myself a turmeric latte before my meditation and mantra practice and I sip it slowly whilst contemplating on the meaning of my Law of Attraction cards that I have been working with for a few weeks now - "When joy is really important to you, you will not allow yourself to focus upon things that do not feel good..." With everything that is going on in the world right now, it's so easy to slip into negative thinking. These words remind me to stay focussed on what's important and on things that I actually can influence and control in my life.

For breakfast this morning I make an apple, beetroot and ginger juice for myself. I need to get some energy as I am going out this morning. I am out until 12 noon today but I have a small apple as a snack mid morning. My plan for the next three days is to go on to a mono diet of kitchari, so I prepare kitchari and some steamed vegetables. It's so delicious, that I have a second helping. In case you didn't realise it yet, I love mung beans! I can literally eat mung beans and mung dal every day for weeks, if not months! It also makes my meal planning much easier.

My energy levels continue to fluctuate through the day but the ginger immunity support energy helps to sustain it, to some degree. I manage to do a little bit of work but I do not want to push myself too much. Tonight I am joining a satsang with Swamiji, the spiritual teacher from the yoga ashram where I have trained. The one hour satsang takes place at 7pm and it is such a pleasure to join people from all over the world and to see familiar faces! We meditate and chant together at the end and it makes me feel nurtured and connected. By 8:30pm I feel quite exhausted and achy. I am also beginning to have food cravings, which is something that is a bit of a pattern for me when I feel tired. I manage them by making myself a cup of golden milk.

Before bed tonight I have decided to give myself a foot massage with warm sesame oil. I am hoping this will relax me for a better sleep. My sleep has been disturbed the last two nights. My skin has also become more oily. To sum up, the symptoms I am experiencing now are the fatigue, poor sleep, oily skin, headaches, food cravings. These symptoms are also commonly associated with detox side effects so I am not too concerned. However, they are not particularly pleasant. Foot massage will help and afterwards I am going to soak my feet in a bowl of hot water with a couple of drops of lavender oil. I am taking triphala with a tablespoon of castor oil tonight, and I am going to continue doing this until Monday, to improve elimination of toxins, which can in return improve my symptoms faster.